2 responses

  1. Susan
    July 14, 2019

    My Golden is 12 years old & having trouble getting up with one of his hind legs, please send me any advice


    • Marla
      July 15, 2019

      If you don’t have your dog on some type of joint supplement, I would get him on it right away. My Golden is also 12 years old and he was barely able to get up off the floor until I got him on a joint supplement. I put him on Nutramax Dasuquin and it has helped him greatly. Take a look at dog joint pain relief.

      I would start with that, and if that doesn’t help your dog enough. I would recommend contacting your vet. They can prescribe Carprochew, which has a stronger dose of relief, but will cost you about $120 per month.


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