12 responses

  1. Chris
    January 24, 2019

    Thank you for this great post! I have to be honest and say that it never really occurred to me that dogs might get vertigo. You have provided such a great breakdown of the symptoms that hopefully will help many owners to better know what is happening to their dog so that they can take the appropriate action.


    • Marla
      January 25, 2019

      Thanks for reading Chris.  My whole purpose of this article is to help a dog owner who might be scared of what is happening to their dog, and realize that although it looks pretty frightening, it might be vestibular disease or vertigo, which will pass in time.  With my dog currently going through it, I was very afraid it was time for our goodbyes.  He is over 11 years old and a big dog.  I wanted others to find out information before they think it might be the end so they don’t have the same fears that I did before going to the vet.  Spread the information to help others with older dogs.  


  2. Kris
    January 24, 2019


    I just wanted to leave a comment here and say that we live in Australia, and dogs here get dangerous ticks so if your dog appears to be wobbly or unstable, the first thing we do is check for ticks!  

    It is very scary when we see dogs who appear to have vertigo, and vet care is often necessary to save their lives.

    Cheers, Kris


    • Marla
      January 25, 2019

      Wow, thanks for sharing.  We have ticks in the U.S. that can cause serious problems for our dogs, but I wasn’t aware of the Australia ticks that can make your dog wobbly or unstable.  If a dog got bit by a tick with lyme disease, there are many different symptoms that could affect your dog.  Thanks for sharing your information.  I really appreciate.  


  3. Urbano
    January 24, 2019

    Hi there Great article Thank you so much for sharing this great info. My kids have an old dog and it hard for him to stay still and straight when standing. I thought it was because the dog was getting pretty old but I might be wrong. I will definitely check out with a veterinary and see if it has the vestibular disease or some other disease.Thank you again great article.


    • Marla
      January 25, 2019

      Urbano, it could be old age and them just not being stable on their legs any longer, but it could also be vestibular disease, or their dog could just have and ear infection.  Ear infections that are not treated can cause all kinds of issues for a dog.  Here is more information about dogs and ear infections.  This might be useful for them to see what the signs of ear infections are and how to prevent them.  


  4. Fran
    January 24, 2019

    I read your interesting article, and was not really surprised to learn that dogs get vertigo.  I have a website on cats, and just recently wrote an article about balance in cats.  Apparently they have a similar problem, caused usually by some damage to the inner ear.  I wonder if it’s the same term in dogs — in cats, the condition is called “ataxia,” and there are three forms of ataxia:  cerebellar, vestibular, and sensory.  You don’t think of cats having a balance problem, but as you described in dogs, it can happen to them, too.

    As many people are not even aware of this condition, it’s really good that you are putting the information out there.  Keep up the good work!


    • Marla
      January 25, 2019

      I was not aware that cats can also get vertigo, but until it happened with my dog, I wasn’t aware that dogs could get vertigo.  The term they use for dogs is different than what is used for cats.  For dogs it is vestibular disease, with 2 different types.  The central vestibular disease which is much more severe and the peripheral vestibular disease, which is the more mild form.  Frequently coming from a problem with the inner ear, but at times the reasons are unknown what is causing the problem.  Thanks for sharing that cats get a similar problem.   Is this more common in older cats?   That is the case with dogs.  Usually an old dog’s disease.  


  5. andy
    January 24, 2019

    I did not know that dogs could get vertigo. There was a dog that we were watching for a friend once and it had most of these symptoms. We didn’t know what was wrong with the dog at all. Now I am pretty sure that the dog had vertigo. It was always leaning to one side, had difficulty walking. It would try to run with the other dog that we were also watching but it kept falling over. It was heartbreaking really. It would lay it’s head down on my daugther lap and seemed like a really loving dog. It was really hard to watch it struggle like that. My friend had just recently gotten both the dogs and didn’t realize there was a problem with one of them at the time.  He didn’t end up keeping the dog and I can only hope that the dog got the help that it so badly needed.


    • Marla
      January 25, 2019

      Until my dog got vertigo, I didn’t know it was possible either.  It is very hard to watch, but I am glad it didn’t turn out to be a stroke.  My dog is still falling and walking sideways and it has been 1 1/2 weeks since the first symptoms of vertigo.  We are hoping this disease goes away soon.  

      Thanks for reading my article, and now if you see this issue again, you will know what is happening to the dog.  


      • Kat
        June 7, 2019

        Hi. I know this is a complete random message but I’ve come across your post while researching vertigo because I am at my wits end with my baby. He is 5 years old and last October he was diagnosed with a brain infection by his neurologist- he completely lost his ability to walk for almost a month and was on an extreme antibiotic regimen for 6 months he took 8 pills a day. Slowly but surely he seemed to be getting better. And then a few weeks ago he started getting bad again. We went back to the neurologist bc I was afraid we needed to start talking about quality of life because he seems so miserable. Dr said let’s put him back on antibiotics again bc it looked like he’s getting another ear infection so he suggested saline ear washes every day along with meds and we are 3 days into that and so far I have seen no improvement. It’s so hard to see him like this and I was just hoping someone could share with me if they had a similar experience, if their dog came out of it or if and when you had to make the decision that there was no quality of life anymore.
        Devastated and Concerned,



  6. Marla
    June 9, 2019

    Kat, I am sorry for what your dog is going through. It is so hard to see our buddies struggle. I will search out further to see if anyone has had these same experiences with their dog and get you any information that I find out. As for making the decision about when it is time, that is never easy to make that decision. I am currently in the same position with one of my dogs. The vet keeps saying I will know when it is time. When we had to make the decision for his brother who had cancer, I did know. It was very clear to me. I hope you will have a clear signal when the time is right, since it is already painful. I will let you know if my readers have any experience with what your dog is experiencing. Thoughts are with you.


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