Product: Merck Scalibor Protector Band Flea and Tick Collar For Dogs
Where to Buy: Amazon
Size: Adjustable – one size fits all
My Rating: 5 stars out of 5 stars
Following is Scalibor Collar reviews, why I feel this is the best flea and tick collar, and how the new flea and tick collars are better than the older ones from years ago. The positives and the negatives of the Scalibor collar.
Table of Contents
Background Information On Old Flea And Tick Collars
Many of you might be familiar with the old style of flea and tick collars that you purchased at your local grocery store. You would unroll the collar, give it a good pull to stretch it and to make the collar active. You would generally notice a white powder covering the collar that would also get on your hands. There would also be a strong odor emitting from this collar.
These are the collars of the past. The older flea and tick collars had toxicity problems for dogs, children and adults. There are now much safer flea and tick collars available on the market.
Background Information On Ticks
Having fleas or ticks on your dog is uncomfortable for your dog and can be unsafe as well. Flea and tick bites can lead to skin irritations which could lead to your dog possibly getting hot spots. Your dog can also get infected with Lyme Disease, which is one of the biggest reasons you want to keep your dog protected against ticks.
Ticks are tough little buggers. They can survive up to 3 years in temperatures close to freezing. They spend most of

An adult deer tick
their life moving from host to host. They can also remain dormant for long periods of time, until they find a new host.
A female tick will feed on their host until they are engorged. They then detach and lay a thousand eggs where they land, and then die. Male ticks can remain attached to your dog from 3 months to years.
The Positives Of Scalibor Collar
- Last up to 6 months long with continuous protection
- Kills Fleas
- Kills Ticks – including deer ticks, which can transmit Lyme disease.
- Repels mosquitoes
- Protection against sand flies.
- Water resistant
- Adjustable one size fits all. Just trim the extra collar length after you have properly fitted your dog.
- Odorless
- Kills 98% of ticks within 24 hours of contact with your dog.
- A tick or flea does not have to bite your dog to be affected. Simply by climbing on your dog, they will absorb the medication and die.
- Active ingredient is Deltamethrin. This is a natural pesticide and considered one of the safest insecticides. Deltamethrin works effectively at very low rates of pesticide.
The Negatives of Scalibor Collar
- Not for puppies under 12 weeks.
- Maximum effectiveness will not occur until 2-3 weeks after collar placement.
- Collar needs to remain on continuously for proper protection.
- Only for dogs. This collar can be toxic to cats.
- Not a great control for fleas. Might want to combine another protection for fleas.
How Does The Scalibor Collar Work?
As your dog moves, the collar rubs against your dog’s coat. The gentle friction provides a steady release of the active ingredient, deltamethrin from the surface of the collar. Your dog’s natural oil from their skin will carry the protection over your dog’s body, giving him a protective layer.
Ticks and fleas will not have to bite your dog before they are affected. Simply crawling on your dog’s fur will cause them to die and drop off your dog’s body.
Review of Scalibor Collar
If what you are looking for is tick protection, and protection from Lyme disease, I feel this is one of the best products available. I currently use this product, and have never had such great results. I have been using this product for 4 years.
For years, I have used the major topical tick and flea product for my Golden Retrievers. I do live in an area where there are lots of ticks, including deer ticks.
During the summer months, after walking my dogs, I would probably pick 20 – 30 ticks a day off of each dog.
Most would still be crawling and some would be attached. Not only were the ticks on the dogs, any time one of them would lay by me, I would start finding ticks crawling on me as well. It was completely disgusting. It isn’t fun waking up in the middle of the night because you feel a tick crawling across your arm, and this would happen almost nightly.
On a visit to my veterinarian, I mentioned how many ticks I find each day, and he recommended that I try the Scalibor Collar. He said he didn’t even see any ticks on his hunting dog after he came out of the field when using

Engorged Tick
this product.
It has worked like magic. I maybe find about 3 ticks per season attached to my dog, and throughout the entire tick season I will only find about 4 ticks that are crawling on my dog. Daily my dog is running around in long grasses and brush and has plenty of opportunity to pick up ticks.
I also have never gotten a tick on me that has crawled off my dog onto me.
I purchase this product for tick protection, not for flea protection. My dogs have never had issues with fleas.
From the Amazon Reviews of customers who have purchased the product, 56% of the people rated it as 5 stars. The majority of the reviews that were rated lower had to do with its ineffectiveness with fleas. Customers who have purchased this product to help with tick protection have been happy with the product.
Purchase your Scalibor Collar now.
It is very important to protect your dog from ticks and fleas, so you need get a product that will work best for your situation.
When purchasing whatever product you decide to protect your dog from fleas and ticks, make sure that the

Deer Tick
insecticide has been tested to be non-toxic so it doesn’t poison your dog or irritate their skin. Also, make sure the product doesn’t contain Amitraz as the active ingredient. Although this is very effective, it is harmful to dogs and humans.
They should have no strong taste or odor that could distress your dog or yourself.
If you are looking to protect your dog from ticks, I would think the Scalibor collar reviews will help you see that this collar is the best flea and tick collar for ticks. I am not so sold on it being a great collar to protect your dog from fleas.
If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below and I will get back to you.
Some of the links within this post are affiliate links, of which I might receive a small compensation from sales of certain items.
Hi Marla,
Do you know if there is an expiration date on the Scalibor packaging? I cannot find one.There is a lot number L117A01. Hopefully I did not purchase an expired product.
I do not believe there is an expiration date. I have been using the collar for the past 3-4 years, and I don’t remember ever seeing one. I am not sure if this year the ticks are different or if there are just many more, but I did talk to my vet if something has changed in the collar, since I noticed more ticks on my dog. They told me nothing has changed. I did switch collars, and am having better success with the new collar.