4 responses

  1. Tony Spagnolia
    April 23, 2018

    I am surprised if the low cost of dog insurance at about $350 a year and how nobody takes advantage of that. I have known many people with dogs who either get really sick of require an operation due to an injury or other cause. The bills in these scenarios are always ridiculously high and insurance really could assist with these costs.


    • admin
      April 26, 2018

      I think that when people get a new puppy it is healthy and the last thing you are thinking about later in life the problems they could have. As a dog gets older, the price for insurance increases, and before you know it, your best friend has gotten old and you have all kind of expenses associated with an aging dog. I know from experience. I recently lost a Golden Retriever to cancer. I never got insurance, never thought of it when he was younger. For 3 months, until we had to put him done, I spent quite a bit on tests and pain meds. I believe when I get to a point of getting a new puppy, he will be insured. Thanks for your interest.


  2. Courtney
    May 16, 2018

    I’ve never thought about getting pet insurance before, but now I’m thinking about it. This was very informative. Dogs are most definitely part of the family, and I had a friend that had to start a go fund me to pay for her dog’s vet bills, and it was a huge financial stress on her when her dog unexpectedly needed surgery. Pet insurance is a good idea.


  3. Marla
    May 17, 2018

    Thanks for visiting and thanks for the comment. I have never had pet insurance before, but my last dog had lots of medical expenses, so my next young dog will have it. I still have a 10 year old, but at this point I don’t think it would be beneficial.


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