Did you ever have a dog get injured or sick and you just don’t know what to do for them. It can be very stressful, so I have put together for you some dog home remedies, what you need in a dog first aid kit and also some human medicines that will work for your dog that you probably already have that can help when you are in a pinch.
Once you have a problem, it is too late to go and get something to solve the problem. You need to have supplies ready to use at a moment’s notice, and I’m hoping this information will get you prepared if you aren’t already.
Table of Contents
What You Need In A Dog First Aid Kit
You can buy commercial first-aid kits from pet supply stores, or you can put together your own, using the following list as a guide.
- Information card with your veterinary emergency clinic phone number. You don’t want to be looking for this when you have an emergency.
- Bandaging Materials – Sterile gauze pads in various sizes, 1″ -2″ rolls of stretchable and non-stretchable gauze, Elastic bandage (Ace bandage), Plastic wrap to seal wounds, Bandage tape, Blunt scissors for bandaging and trimming fur away from wounds.
- Blunt-tipped tweezers to remove splinters and other foreign objects.
- Antiseptic liquid soap – Betadine Skin Cleanser
- Needle-nose pliers to remove foreign objects.
- Clean towel or blanket to restrain your pet, keep him warm, or use as a stretcher.
Dog Home Remedies
There are many situations that can happen with your pet that aren’t life threatening, but are situations that you need to handle. One that comes first to mind is your dog getting sprayed by a skunk.
I’m sure this is the first one that I think of because it has happened to me twice with three different dogs. The second time it happened one skunk got two of my dogs at once. This is by no means a medical emergency, but you won’t enjoy it and it can be potentially painful for your pet.
A direct hit in the face can irritate the eyes and possibly cause temporary blindness. From experience, I am going to let you know tomato juice does not work. I have tried it, but I have found two different methods that have worked extremely well.
Skunk Odor Eliminator – Follow the instructions on the bottle. If you can get this product in a spray, it also works good on other items that your dog got the odor on.
Homemade Skunk Formula – I have to say, this one works the best of all, and you probably have all the ingredients already in your home, so you don’t have to quickly run out and get supplies. Here’s how you make the formula:
Mix 1 quart of hydrogen peroxide with 1/4 cup of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of liquid soap (dawn, pet shampoo, etc.). Wet your pet’s coat down, apply the solution to his wet coat while the mixture bubbles, and leave it on for 3-4 minutes.
Then rinse thoroughly. You might have to repeat a second time, but this works better than anything you can purchase. Warnings: You can not store this product and make sure to discard what you don’t use. The baking soda with the hydrogen peroxide creates a strong gas if capped shut.
Also, you should put a thick protective eye ointment like Neosporin Ophthalmic Ointment around eyes and in eyes to protect them from the formula.
Ear Infections
Ear infections affect up to 20 percent of all dogs, generally affecting dogs with floppy or hairy ears most often. Most cases are a yeast infection, and you will notice your dogs shaking their heads or scratching their ears more intently than usual.
Yeast is a kind of fungus that’s normally found inside the ear canal, but if it grows to quickly, the ears will get hot and inflamed and look kind of “goopy.” They may also have a strong odor or a sweet yeasty scent.
You are able to return your dogs ears back to their normal acidic pH with a 50/50 vinegar and water solution twice a day. Put the mixture in a spray bottle, lift the ear flap, and spritz the ears with the solution. Then wipe out the ear portion that you can see with a cotton ball. If it doesn’t improve in 24 to 48 hours, take him to your vet.
Treat Your Dog With Items You Already Have
There are several aliments that your dog could get that you might be able to treat yourself with items that you probably already have at home for yourself that are safe for your dog, from dog vomiting remedies, dog constipation remedies, to diarrhea. Dosages are usually lower due to the smaller size of your dog, but here is a list of several human medicines that vets recommend most often.
- Bufferin – pain reliever. 10-25 mg per 2.2 lb – 2-3 times a day
- Caladrl – topical lotion for pain and itching. Paint on sore area
- Cortaid – soothing ointment. Rub on affected area
- Dramamine – for car sickness, nausea. 2-4 mg per pound, 3 times a day
- Dulcolax – for constipation. 5-20 mg tablet once a day
- Epsom salts – soothing soak for irritated, itchy skin. 1 cup per gallon of water, then soak affected area
- Kaopectate – for diarrhea. 1/2-1 tsp per 5 lb, maximum of 2 Tbsp every 8 hours
- Lanacane – topical anesthetic. Apply to sore area with gauze pad
- Metamucil (unflavored) – for constipation. 1 tsp. per 10-25 lb. mixed in food
- Mylanta Liquid – for digestive upset, gas. Dogs weighing 15 lb or less get 3 Tbsp, 16-50 lb get 4 Tbsp, 51 lb or more get 6 Tbsp
- Neosporin – for preventing wound infection. Apply 3-4 times daily as needed
- Gatorade – for dehydration. Mix 50/50 with water, offer as much as dog wants
- Pepcid AC – for vomiting. 5 mg per 10 lb once or twice a day
- Pepto-Bismol – for diarrhea, nausea, indigestion, vomiting. 1 tsp per 5 lb, maximum 2 Tbsp up to 3 times per day
- Vicks VapoRub – for congestion. Smear a small amount on your dog’s chin for easier breathing
There are many others also available, but it is always best to check with your vet before giving any of these to make sure they are safe for your dog.
Your Dogs Health
Pet ownership is a rewarding and wonderful experience, but with it comes stress as well. It is best to be prepared by knowing what you need in a dog first aid kit. You can either purchase one or make a DIY dog first aid kit.
There are many dog home remedies you can safely use when your dog isn’t feeling the greatest. It is good to know you might not have to rush out to purchase something to solve their problem. You might already have something in your home that can help your dog out in your cabinets. Good luck to all of you keeping your dog healthy and safe.
Please leave any questions or comments below, and if you have any home remedies for your dog you want to share, please do.
Some of the links within this post are affiliate links of which I might receive a small compensation from sales of certain items. This does not affect your pricing.
Very handy tips here! I especially love the skunk formula 🙂 The home remedies are actually really easy to do so thanks for the info.
Thank you for you comments. The skunk formula really works well, but I hope you never have to actually experience it.