Portable Dog Bath Tubs-Outdoor Dog Bath Or Dog Pool


Having an outdoor dog bath tub can make cleaning up your dog much easier than trying to give them a bath in the tub in your home, not to forget the mess in your bathroom from a wet dog that shakes water everywhere.

I recently discovered portable dog bath tubs that are not only great for giving your dog a bath outdoors, but a great dog pool as well. It is a great place to help your dog cool off on a warm summer day, and dogs that like water will even use it when it isn’t that warm out.

Why You Should Use An Outdoor Dog Bath Tub

Giving a dog a bath in the house is a difficult task, especially if you have a large dog, and if your dog is dirty enough that they need a bath, do you really want them in your house?

Having someplace outdoors that you can quickly set up and keep all that mess outdoors is the better way to go. After I have cleaned up my dog, I don’t want to have to clean up my house and bathroom as well.

Not only will you keep the dirt outside, your dog can do all the water shakes they want when you are done, instead of spraying water all over your mirror.

All that dog hair doesn’t do any favors for your bathroom drain either.

Expawlorer Foldable Dog Swimming Pool – Bath Tub

I am always on the lookout for great dog products, not only for sharing on my website, but to make life easier or better for me and the life’s of my beloved dogs. When I found the Expawlorer Pool, I wondered how I had missed this for so many years.

Like the name states, it is a foldable dog pool or dog bath tub. It folds down to 6″ x 10″ x 10″ and comes with a travel bag to store it. This also makes it a great traveler when you are going away for the weekend, and doesn’t take up much space.

It is made with waterproof PVC that covers wooden panels that will help give it strength. The bottom is durable that won’t be punctured from dog nails and the bottom is textured to prevent your dog from slipping.

It is great for your dog to cool off in, and much better than finding a pond or puddle to lay in. Than you will need to give them a bath in it after they find their own water for cooling themselves.

You need to fill the pool at least half full to prevent the sides from collapsing.

What I Love About This Foldable Pool

I am not sure if you have ever used a kiddie pool for your dog to cool off in or given them a bath in one before, but most designs aren’t great to work with.

You can’t use an inflatable pool, since your dog will probably quickly put a hole in it and the air will start leaking out. They also are a pain in the butt to get inflated if you don’t have a pump.

There are also the plastic hard pools that you can pick up just about anywhere. I have used this style for years and for 3 different Golden Retrievers. They have always loved them, and will quickly hop in when getting back from a walk. Over to the right is my Golden – Max using the pool after a game of ball.

The problem with type of pool is trying to empty the water out. It is very heavy when it is full, you probably are going to dump a bunch of water on your shoes when emptying, and you can barely pick it up to get the water out.

With the Expawlorer Foldable Dog Pool they have the best feature I could ever have hoped for. There is a drainage hole that has a cap that you simply open to drain the water out of the pool.

There is a handle on the opposite side that allows you to lift it up as it gets lighter to fully drain all the water out through the drainage hole. From someone who has struggled to empty pools, I love this feature. I have left water in a pool much longer than I should have because it was such a pain to drain the pool.

Sizing Of The Portable Pool

This pool comes in 2 sizes, helping you to find the pool that is the right fit for your dog. Portable Dog Bath Tubs

The large size measures 12″ deep and has a 48″ diameter, making it a great fit for small to medium-sized dogs.

The extra large size measures 12″ and has a 63″ diameter, making it a great fit for medium to large sized dogs or several dogs at once.

Reviews Of The Portable Pool

This product has mostly positive reviews from all customers who have purchased it.

It is rated 4.3 stars out of 5 on Amazon and 74% have given this product 5 stars.

The positive reviews include ease of setting it up and taking it down, great place for their dogs to cool down, how durable they felt the product was, and how easy it is to clean. You can read all the Amazon reviews from this link if you are interested.


Don’t let your dog take over your bathroom!

Whether you are looking for a place for your dog to cool off or portable dog bath tubs, I feel that the Expawlorer Foldable Dog Swimming Pool is a great choice. With it having a drainage hole near the bottom of the pool, makes it easy to let out the water on this outdoor dog bath tub.

Everything about this product is easy from set up, storing and clean up. You are going to be happy when your bathroom isn’t full of water and wet dog fur, and if your dog likes water, they are going to love laying in their pool to cool off and play in the water. Check out other ideas about keeping your dog cool in summer here.

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